The terrorist attack in Kerman will be met with a strong response



Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khamenei, has issued a message following the martyrdom of a number of pilgrims who were martyred in a terrorist attack while en route to the tomb of Martyr General Soleimani in Kerman’s Garden of Martyrs on January 3, 2024. The following is the text of this message. 

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful 

The evil, criminal enemies of the Iranian nation have once again created a tragedy and martyred a large number of our dear people in Kerman in the fragrant atmosphere of the Martyrs’ tombs. 

The Iranian nation is in grief, and many families are mourning the death of their loved ones. The stony-hearted criminals could not tolerate seeing the love and affection of the people for visiting the tomb of their great commander, Martyr Qasem Soleimani. They should know that the soldiers who are travelling on the bright path of Soleimani will not tolerate their vileness and crime. As of now, both the hands stained with the blood of innocent people and the corrupt, evil minds that led them to this miscalculation will definitely be the target of a severe pounding and a deserving retribution. They should know that, God willing, this tragedy will be met with a strong response. 

I sympathize and am with the bereaved families, and I pray for their patience and consolation from Almighty God. The pure souls of these martyrs will, God willing, be the guests of the “Lady of Two Worlds,” the “Mother of the Martyrs,” Lady Siddiqah Tahirah (peace be upon her). I would also like to extend my sympathies to those who were injured in this tragedy, and I pray to God for their healing.  Sayyid Ali Khamenei Jan. 3, 2024

Martyr Soleimani's most significant role was to revive the Resistance Front in the region



During a meeting with the family of Martyr Soleimani, Imam Khamenei emphasized General Soleimani’s role in “reviving the Resistance Front in the region.” This meeting was held on Sunday, December 31, 2023.

During an afternoon meeting on Sunday with the family of Martyr Soleimani, Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, stressed, “The fact that Martyr Soleimani’s name, memory, and characteristics are becoming increasingly well known is because of his sincerity.”

He underscored that “Martyr Soleimani’s most significant role and service was to revive the Resistance Front in the region.”

The Leader of Islamic Revolution highlighted that Gaza’s resistance in the past three months has been due to the existence of the Resistance Front. He stated, “Martyr Soleimani worked diligently to revitalize the Resistance Front, and he did this with sincerity, foresight, intellect, and moral behavior.”

The Leader further emphasized, “Gaza has been able to resist for almost three months due to the existence of the Resistance Front.” Imam Khamenei added, “Martyr Soleimani worked very hard to revive the Resistance Front, and he was able to do this because of his sincerity, forethought, wisdom, and moral behavior.”

Imam Khamenei praised Brigadier General Qa’ani, the commander of IRGC’s Quds Force, stating, “We must persist in strengthening the Resistance Front.” In the meeting, the Commander-in-Chief of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps and the Commander of the Quds Force were present. Mrs. Zeinab Soleimani, Martyr’s Soleimani’s daughter, gave a brief overview of cultural and artistic activities and shared ongoing initiatives that aim to pass on the spirit, ideology, and qualities of Martyr Soleimani to the younger generation.

We are baked bread and salt

You creepy looking at the costume

Honey moon! My God and you are Allah

Is the day of the feast and the qnoot is my prayer and you

I am from Jude and Jebroot, my God and you

What is cobra and majesty? Yes yes

Have no pardon or mercy from the sea

And Al-Shorr who visited me a month

And Allah hid my sins hidden

The secret of Ramadan was closed

The Magic of Dawn is the Mystery of Ramadan

Good night, the night is dead

We did not like to know you a little night

Go to the Holy Qur’an

Lil’at al-Qadr and the song “Beck Allahsh”

We drove the night crying to the jelly’s voice

“Baali Ba’ali Ba’ali Ba’ali”

We got tainted with eternal and eternal meaning

Bahisin Ben Ali Bahin Ben Ali

Hard to miss you! Ramadan!

O my love, this heart, Ramadan

Welcome to your lips

I was crazy about you

You thirst for me on the worm

Until I remember the thirst of the shrine

Or it’s not my crime yet

Give me your Eid and go through it today

Wish grace and fasting with us

The light of this obedience is thirty days with us

Let’s have a wish to have an Amaca sweets

We do not have one day

O blessed fast every day

O blessed way of avoiding doubt

Let’s go to our table

Inglourious bribe “bribe” and zeal “Rabaa”

Do not let any mouths open

We are baked bread and salt

It is the color and smell of this dirt

The sweat of the workers is the honor of the soil

It does not work to work

Pine at least from the forehead pine

The worker, though sweat, is the water of clarity

It’s a shame of sweat that it’s over

Oh, with a hand full of pancake that regrets

Father’s father and son are embarrassed

You are seated first! Do not lose yourself

They are still your people

How many days have you gotten a loan?

Do not take off the prey

If you want to, the method of giving reason

The story of the iron and the hands of Alawil

The language of discrimination is never in Ali’s religion

Red Iron is not a red line

Do not put your eyelids out of time

The blurred eyelids have come to service

We are not going to learn the West

Follow every temptation to burn West

A slap from the Kohkins will house the palace

And the pitcher will eventually land

“Twenty Thirty” is the teaching of the world from our hearts

Han that the Islamic Republic of Iran is here

If he comes from the West, he is ill

It’s a sleeping pill, but it’s our turn to awaken

Forever, we will take care of the butterfly

We get the eyebrows of eagerness

We want to see him in school

With Ali Asghar and Qasim everyone is understood

Surrender to us forever

Do not panic for fear of us

A new boycot went to the Senate

The body of his soul went away

Foolish Foolish Fault Failed

Relying on Uncle Sam’s fault was an error

We made a covenant with a thief on the head

It’s time to fail and do not break your friend

Whatever it took to win the bag

“Winning the win” was, yes, everyone won the win

They said that the enemy came to trade

Pierre told us that he was looted

They dreamed that Salah was on the alien side

Come to save everyone in this house

The campaign is a decisive step

Talk about peace, take the gun!

Our way is Hussein’s way and it turns into blood

Rely on the blade when the world became an enemy

Do not be afraid of fussing

No, your heart is bound to smile

Heart to smile if you are lost, lost!

Waiting for the lost shield!

Grieving, loose, with a queue

Good tunea la tanova gets up

To know that we are the army of Ahmad

Warriors and brawlers of Mohammed Mayim

Zulfikhar Alavi was gone

Death, Merzad’s Hand, Islamic Corps

Cute Thumbs Delaware Hassan Tehrani

Live forever, you are the winner

You owe us our security forever

Thank you, you and Iran and the world forever

That’s because the thunderbolt came to your takfiri

Zulfiqar is the one who dies of it

It’s time to sit in your place

Do not hit the ball with the game, you see bad!

Let’s smell all of your six missiles

That sounded up to Riyadh and Haifa

(It reaches to Riyadh and Haifa!)

It’s not so bad bombs!

Wait, our rocket will explode

O Abu Jahl, who is professor in killing himself

You donated a donkey and a tether to Zion

O Sue Zhen, you come from Saudi oil

Baby Iblis, who came from the Jewish navel

The enemy of his doodle fell in greed

His scarf plumage fell from the roof

Saudi and Western ignorance

Gan dancing, it’s a strange sight

The dance of Sword Cho is on the enemy’s tent

Shielding and tearing into the sword is a mistake

Yes, we are in danger of danger

In the morning, our victory requires liver blood

“It smells of Jasmine martyr from everywhere

Where are they? All this is Abbas martyr

The soul will not die this time

Science will not fall from the hands of the scientist “

In defense of the shrine, its mirror is somayeh

This is Abbas, the great scientist of the province

This armor is not back to Menger

Razor in hand, let’s go, waited

Quds is the beginning of Qibla, which ends with you

Seal of Devil’s Death is with you

You are the key to all the misery

Holy Quds You are the freedom of the world

Sit down to hell for dinner

Our way of traveling is Carbela


Muslims have two duties


Muslims have two duties

We Muslims have two main tasks: one is that we introduce real Islam to non-Muslims; another is about ourselves. We must understand the reasons for the hostility that the arrogant powers of the world have against Islam.

In the Islamic Republic of Iran there is - all praise for God’s sake - one of the demonstrations of many of the Prophet’s government’s demonstrations and it continues. After the creation of the Islamic Republic, the enemies of human societies - not just the enemies of Islam - are beginning to confront Islam as the source of the growth of human societies.

Today, the enemies of human societies are confronting Islam. Why? Because Islam is the source of growth for humanity. This is the source for the emergence of talent. This source is a common and common spiritual and material civilization. Since Islam can stop the transgressions of modern modern materialist civilization, they are targeting Islam


The enemy uses different types of confrontation with Islam and states that the formation of terrorist groups in the name of Islam is one of those plots. “It’s a conspiracy,” he said. “Putting the Islamic countries against each other and handling them in war is another form of hostility .”

The source of this hostility is in the hands of the United States and the Zionists. “The Zionists, a miserable and usurper regime in Palestine, and a repressive and arrogant government in their support of the United States have invaded Islam,” he added.

“They invade the Islamic Republic more than anywhere else, because Islam has become brighter in Iran, and there is more in it to act against Islam. They are against Islam, because they are faced with greed. ” Ayatollah Khamenei.

We Muslims must know this. We Muslims have two main tasks: one is that we introduce real Islam to non-Muslims; another is about ourselves. We must understand the reasons for the hostility that the arrogant powers of the world have against Islam

Leader Khamenei 

ISIS escaped from Iraq, Thanks to faithful Iraqi youth

ISIS escaped from Iraq, Thanks to faithful Iraqi youth

ISIS is escaping from Iraq and this admirable achievement is the result of internal unity and integrity in Iraq—which was accomplished thanks to the Iraqi government relying on Iraqi faithful youth. Jun 20, 2017

The people of Iraq are a great people who have an ancient history and who enjoy a very important capacity which is the existence of powerful and vigilant youth. Therefore, this capacity should be benefitted from in order to help Iraq reach the position that it deserves.
In the present time, the Iraqi youth have awakened. They have understood what power and capabilities they have. Without a doubt, such youth will not give in to American domination.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution described the existence of the volunteer forces that fight against DAESH as a clear manifestation of Iraqi youth’s awakening and power, stressing: “The capacities and capabilities of Iraqi youth should be utilised more than the past in order to help Iraq reach the position that it deserves.” Nov 24, 2015

Iraq is a great, important and influential country in the region

The current conditions of the region - including the conditions of Iraq - are the result of policies that non-regional powers and some regional countries adopted in Syria in an irresponsible way. We believe that the people and government of Iraq - particularly the youth of this country - have the capability to defeat terrorists and insure security. We believe that there is no need for the presence of foreigners in this country…

Iraq is a great, important and influential country in the region. If security is restored and things return to normal, it can really play an important role.

As we said before, we believe that the people and government of Iraq do not need foreigners and other countries in order to overcome security problems. The complex conditions of the region are such that the security of regional countries is inseparable. Besides, the Islamic Republic of Iran views the security of Iraq - as a brother to Iran and a neighbouring country with which it enjoys vast interactions - as its own security. Oct 21, 2014

Iraq is one geographical unit, separation of Shia, Sunni, Arab and Kurd is meaningless in it

Iraq is one geographical unit and the separation of Shia, Sunni, Arab and Kurd is meaningless in this country.The parties and tribes involved in Iraq should understand this issue and they should know that those actions which are taken against the national unity of Iraq are not to the benefit of this country. Oct 21, 2014

It is many centuries now that the people of Iraq – including Shias, Sunnis, Arabs and Kurds – have been living together, but unfortunately some regional and foreign countries are after magnifying discord. This effort should be confronted and any course of action that leads to the emergence of discord should be avoided.
Things should not develop in a way that the Americans dare to speak about the dismembering of Iraq in an open way. Why should a country like Iraq – which is a large and rich country and which enjoys a millennium-long history – be dismembered into smaller regions so much so that it is always subject to conflicts and quarrels?

Leader Khamenei

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