Know the Promised Mahdi is watching and seeing us


The truth is waiting


Waiting, that is, the heart of the hope of ending the way of human life. Maybe those who do not see that era and can not understand - there is a distance - but there is a blight of that era; so the congratulations of this Eid - which is the Eid of Hope and the Eid of Expectation - is just the opposite of what the enemy wants to create .

We can really wait for the field to be ready when we can. The field must be prepared for the emergence of the promised Mahdi (Ahmadinejad); that is, the practice of Islamic commandments and the rule of the Quran and Islam. The first step towards the rule of Islam and for the convergence of the Muslim nations to the advent of the promised Mahdi (aria and soul of the Prophet) was taken by the Iranian people; that is, the establishment of the rule of the Qur’an

Leader Khamenei


  • 5 stars
    نظر از: Seyed
    1396/04/12 @ 12:11:59 ق.ظ

    Seyed [بازدید کننده]

    اللهم عجل لولیک الفرج
    موفق و مؤید باشید.

  • 5 stars
    نظر از: Seyed
    1396/04/12 @ 12:11:17 ق.ظ

    Seyed [بازدید کننده]

    اللهم عجل لولیک الفرج
    موفق و مؤید باشید.

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