Who is opposed to the emergence

Promised Mehdi

Who is opposed to the emergence

 Dealers are the emergence of high spirits and people who want to enjoy all the benefits of justice and prosperity. Opponents of the advent are pessimist and selfish people who are not seeking the whole world



  • Seyed
    نظر از: Seyed
    1396/04/12 @ 12:14:04 ق.ظ

    Seyed [بازدید کننده]

    تشکر از مطالب خوبتون .

  • 3 stars
    نظر از: گل نرگس
    1396/04/10 @ 04:08:34 ب.ظ

    گل نرگس [عضو] 

    very well
    thank you

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