موضوع: "General Soleimani"

The terrorist attack in Kerman will be met with a strong response
پنجشنبه 02/10/14
Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khamenei, has issued a message following the martyrdom of a number of pilgrims who were martyred in a terrorist attack while en route to the tomb of Martyr General Soleimani in Kerman’s Garden of Martyrs on January 3, 2024. The following is the text of this message.
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
The evil, criminal enemies of the Iranian nation have once again created a tragedy and martyred a large number of our dear people in Kerman in the fragrant atmosphere of the Martyrs’ tombs.
The Iranian nation is in grief, and many families are mourning the death of their loved ones. The stony-hearted criminals could not tolerate seeing the love and affection of the people for visiting the tomb of their great commander, Martyr Qasem Soleimani. They should know that the soldiers who are travelling on the bright path of Soleimani will not tolerate their vileness and crime. As of now, both the hands stained with the blood of innocent people and the corrupt, evil minds that led them to this miscalculation will definitely be the target of a severe pounding and a deserving retribution. They should know that, God willing, this tragedy will be met with a strong response.
I sympathize and am with the bereaved families, and I pray for their patience and consolation from Almighty God. The pure souls of these martyrs will, God willing, be the guests of the “Lady of Two Worlds,” the “Mother of the Martyrs,” Lady Siddiqah Tahirah (peace be upon her). I would also like to extend my sympathies to those who were injured in this tragedy, and I pray to God for their healing. Sayyid Ali Khamenei Jan. 3, 2024

Martyr Soleimani's most significant role was to revive the Resistance Front in the region
یکشنبه 02/10/10
During a meeting with the family of Martyr Soleimani, Imam Khamenei emphasized General Soleimani’s role in “reviving the Resistance Front in the region.” This meeting was held on Sunday, December 31, 2023.
During an afternoon meeting on Sunday with the family of Martyr Soleimani, Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, stressed, “The fact that Martyr Soleimani’s name, memory, and characteristics are becoming increasingly well known is because of his sincerity.”
He underscored that “Martyr Soleimani’s most significant role and service was to revive the Resistance Front in the region.”
The Leader of Islamic Revolution highlighted that Gaza’s resistance in the past three months has been due to the existence of the Resistance Front. He stated, “Martyr Soleimani worked diligently to revitalize the Resistance Front, and he did this with sincerity, foresight, intellect, and moral behavior.”
The Leader further emphasized, “Gaza has been able to resist for almost three months due to the existence of the Resistance Front.” Imam Khamenei added, “Martyr Soleimani worked very hard to revive the Resistance Front, and he was able to do this because of his sincerity, forethought, wisdom, and moral behavior.”
Imam Khamenei praised Brigadier General Qa’ani, the commander of IRGC’s Quds Force, stating, “We must persist in strengthening the Resistance Front.” In the meeting, the Commander-in-Chief of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps and the Commander of the Quds Force were present. Mrs. Zeinab Soleimani, Martyr’s Soleimani’s daughter, gave a brief overview of cultural and artistic activities and shared ongoing initiatives that aim to pass on the spirit, ideology, and qualities of Martyr Soleimani to the younger generation.