موضوع: "Imam Khomeini"

American Human Rights Week
شنبه 96/04/10
The American Human Rights Week is an opportunity to introduce
fake claimants to the rights of nations
The weakness of the arrogance and the front of hypocrisy against the legitimacy of the holy system of the Islamic Republic and faith, the solidarity and solidarity of the great nation of Iran after the victory of the glorious Islamic Revolution led to the domination of the Cupidan monarchy and the assassination of prominent figures of the system and the way Putting terror and insecurity and committing various crimes, the destruction and collapse of the new regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the agenda
But the perseverance of the people and authorities and the solidity of the foundation and roots of the Islamic system of Iran in the light of divine mercy, the leadership of the Prophet of Imam Khomeini and the subsequent measures of the leader of the Revolution and the blood of the martyrs of the valley, today, Liberalists and oppressors have come up with a model of the beliefs of the great nation of Iran to fight for the domineering system
The false claims of human rights and, at the top of their minds, the most devastating Americans, who themselves are the most flagrant violation of the rights of nations, today are defending the rights of human beings, while they are the sponsors and cultivators of terrorism
Undoubtedly, the issue of human rights is considered as one of the most important and influential issues in the international arena which is considered by many nations. Today, the world is witnessing that the United States and its rationalists have turned this issue into tools and instruments to exert pressure on independent states, especially the Islamic Republic of Iran. have made.
Therefore, according to the Supreme Leader’s recommendation, July 6th to July 12th is named as the week of the recount and disclosure of human rights of the Americans, and it is therefore necessary to give this great wisdom to the blessing of the hypocrisy, the lying of theocratic powers and the claims of human rights and Exposing and portraying the true face of America’s savage and criminal world

Islamic Quds Day
جمعه 96/04/02
The day of Quds is not just Palestine’s day, it’s the day of Islam. Jerusalem Day is universal and it is not just a day dedicated to Jerusalem. The day of oppression is against the oppressed
August 16, 58, while less than a year from the glorious victory of the Islamic Revolution, the holy Imam Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic, urged Muslims around the world to choose the last Friday of Ramadan as “the Qods Day” And on this day they will show solidarity in support of the “legal rights of the Palestinian people
Islamic day
Imam Khomeini (peace be upon him) wrote about the day of Qods: “The day of Quds is not just Palestine’s day, it’s the day of Islam. Jerusalem Day is universal and it is not just a day dedicated to Jerusalem. The day of confrontation is with the oppressed
Strategic decision
The clever design of the Qods Day and the opportunity to demonstrate the unity and will of the Ummah for solving the Palestinian issue and the elimination of the cancerous gland of Israel as the first priority of the Islamic world by Imam Khomeini (RA) was a strategic decision that caused the last 38 years In the field of heavy competition and struggle between the world powers, the cause of the liberation of Quds Sharif as a necessary and historic necessity will create a bridge to the past, present and future of the Muslim world
Sharps on the Zionists
The occupation of Palestine was the beginning of a great plan aimed at creating a sense of humor and humility among the Islamic Ummah and, consequently, the implementation of the great Zionist project against the capabilities of the Muslims. But the Palestinian resistance and the position of Muslim nations prevented the implementation of this plan, and when the Islamic Revolution broke out, a leap over Zionists and their supporters landed. Then, the Islamic Resistance in Palestine and southern Lebanon came into existence in the arena of the world to spread bloody bloodthirsty bloodthirsty repentance of the humble position of the Islamic Ummah on earth
Investing 60 years of Archery
The Supreme Leader stated in one of his statements about the Qods Day: “Jerusalem Day, one day in the true sense of the word, is an international Islamic one; the day that the Iranian nation can, with the help of other aspiring nations, which today, fortunately, Crying out the truth that, in order to conceal that right and turn it off, it has been invested by the arrogant machine for sixty years - at least forty years, that is, since the formation of the usurper government; For sixty years now, they are trying to remove Palestine from the global geographic map. Of course, they had succeeded to a large extent. The Islamic Revolution began to say these. The establishment of the Islamic republican system and the proclamation of the Quds Day and the conversion of the usurped regime embassy into the Palestinian Embassy in Tehran were a warning, stopping, and aggressive move that stood against this arrogant plan. Fortunately today, this movement has been developed day after day
False al-Sahar evil alliances
The day of Qods should be considered the day of unity and convergence of the Islamic Ummah and confront the efforts of the oppressors and the Zionist usurper regime in intensifying the divergence and creating evil alliances in the direction of the spread of international conflict and Islamic religions. Unfortunately, in recent years, the conspiracy of world arrogance and the Zionists have been partly forgotten about the issue of Palestine by the intransigence and betrayal of some reactionary rulers of Arab and Islamic countries
The betrayal of a reactionary regime
The Saudi regime must be the leader of the effort to forget about the issue of Palestine; a regime with obvious and secret indications of its overlapping with the Zionists; a regime which is the leader of the Ummah of Islam, but instead of confronting the main enemies of the Ummah of Islam, the Zionist regime and The United States removes the plagues of Palestinian Muslims, or cluster bombs on the oppressed people of Yemen, or engages in a coalition to put pressure on other Muslim nations
Thierry to the heart of conspiracy
The Supreme Leader spoke about efforts to obliterate the issue of Palestine: for many years, it has been trying to forget the Quds issue. Jerusalem Day is just a thrill to the heart of this conspiracy; it is a move to thwart this despicable conspiracy that Zionism and its supporters and colleagues have united in order to completely obliterate the issue of Palestine
Multifaceted investment to weaken the Intifada
The achievements and outcomes of the Qods Day, especially after the defeats of the Zionist regime in 33-day, 22-day, 8-day and 51-day wars against Lebanon’s Hezbollah and Palestine Hamas, are such as to give Americans and Zionists an endless panic And forced them to invest in multifaceted efforts to undermine the Islamic Intifada and resistance through pro-war wars and the crimes of the Salafi Takfiri terrorists in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, in which, Zionist occupation, in his own mind, was safe from the fury of the rage and intifada of Palestinian militants. Get it
This year, as in previous years, as well as other Muslims and liberators of the world, the Islamic people will be celebrating freedom of Palestine on the occasion of Jerusalem, in order to help the oppressed people of this land and to consolidate and unite their commitment to Palestine’s cause. The worlds kill
The importance of the march this year
Certainly this year, the march of the Qods Day is of great importance; on the one hand, the Zionist infantry, Takfiri terrorists in Iraq and Syria, and on the other hand, the scandal of the reactionary rulers of the region, who are mercenaries who are unworthy of the arrogance and Zionism of the world, And the public opinion of Muslim nations has come to the fore, and which states are on the path to overcoming the problems of the Muslim nation and the excellence of Muslims, and which states are also in tune with the Zionists and Western supporters of this nursing regime.
A message world for the wrongdoers
Certainly, this year’s Qods Day, as well as in previous years, the Islamic people of Iran come to the marches of this glorious day, and shouting freedom from Qods from the clutches of world Zionism. The blatant and authoritarian action of the brave Guards in a missile attack at the headquarters of Takfiris terrorist commanders in Syria’s Deirulzor will make the Qods day more magnificent this year; the roar of Zulfiqar Shirmardan of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps was apparently a missile strike against the bloody terrorists in Syria, There was a message to the wrongdoers and the poor guy.
Divine promise
“Soon, those who oppressed will know how badly they will return” (poets - 227). It is a divine promise; the divine promise is invincible; it should also not be forgotten that the childish Zionists have ceased their illegitimate existence for another 25 years; the deadline may be ahead; the Islamic Ummah and the resistance fighters prepared for this and listened to the command The only obstacle is the reactionary rulers of Saudi regimes, which have been closed down by the Zionists and their masters.