An unprecedented visit by Bashar al-Assad to Russian troops in Latakia


Bashar al-Assad with Russian troops in Latakia

It happened after a possible US-led conflict with Syria

An unprecedented visit by Bashar al-Assad to Russian troops in Latakia

… Over the past few days, the White House, and then the Pentagon, have sparked a lot of controversy about the impending use of the Syrian army by chemical weapons against the opposition, followed by the British Secretary of Defense and the President of France on behalf of the United States they got. Indeed, America says it plans to attack Syria because of an attack that did not happen!

Following this background and lies against the Damascus government, it became clear that the terrorists plan to repeat the scenario “Khan Sheikhon". In a recent kidnapping event that took place last winter, the terrorists first used chemical weapons against the people, and later on, the United States accused Damascus of attacking the attack, and subsequently, US naval missiles launched the Syrian Army base called “al-Shiarat", which of course There was no effect on the operation of the Syrian army.

But now that the balance of power in Syria has been heavily changed in favor of the Damascus government and the military, the United States and Israel are feeling a lot of concern, and Washington wants to change the situation in favor of the so-called moderate terrorists by bombing the positions of the Syrian army. In this regard, the Americans are unlikely to have asked the terrorists, as in the past, to carry out chemical attacks against the Syrian people.

… Syrian President Bashar al-Assad went yesterday to a helicopter to al-Hummam base in northwest Syria (Latakia province), and met the Chief of Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Valery Gerasimov

The Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement that the sides discussed the increased cooperation and coordination between the Syrian army and the Russian air force.

However, it is still unclear what the Russian reaction will be in the current sensitive situation, and if the United States is launching an attack on the Syrian army. In any case, the experts believe that the United States can stop the attack in the coming days, in order to demonstrate that it has not been behind the scene, to the extent that it provokes Russia’s reaction

… Al-Maidan’s network has reported that the US spy flight over Syrian territory has been tangibly and unusually high. The news channel also said that the move shows that the United States intends to do something important in Syria


Keyhan newspaper


  • Seyed
    نظر از: Seyed
    1396/04/08 @ 11:13:02 ب.ظ

    Seyed [بازدید کننده]

    Very good

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