The guns of leadership in the sermons of Eid al-Fitr pray was a candy bar ... why


Leading arms in the sermon of Eid al-Fitr prayers was a souvenir


Imagine being the leader of the world’s most powerful Shiite government

In a prayer that is held only once a year

The eyes of millions of people

Choose a weapon randomly

It’s a kind of simple thinking

Especially, he is sometimes only present once a year as a prayer leader

The politicians of the world, their smallest moves also contain the message

So what was the weapon that the gentleman had in the sermon of Eid al-Fitr prayers today

A weapon gun

Famous sniper gun

Chenas or Draganov is a weapon that farther farther away, can make a goal and kick off the shot

We say what purpose might be behind this choice

Due to the targeting of enemy targets

The leadership with this badge may want to convey the enemies of Islamic Iran

The Iranian is a Muslim, accurate and accurate

To know that we know the roadmap

We will not lose the path of sedition in the dust

And we are aware of the goals that you intend to implement in the future. Maybe our old one wants to see me and the young one

That should wake up

Must be in the cultural war today

Zooming on the enemy’s enemy

Cultural work was spontaneous and clean

The same fire

We call it our decision, reason, and effort

And the hypocritical contenders condone it as an abusive

Maybe tell a gun and all that commentary

I have to say yes

In today’s complicated politics

Sometimes you do not have to talk

A small behavior is ours anxious

Watch and understand the audiences who are alert

Let’s not be alright from those who are awake in a dream

Or get excited and sarcastic


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    نظر از: عمار
    1396/04/09 @ 04:36:28 ب.ظ

    عمار [بازدید کننده]

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